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your family holiday is protected

Photos of the Olympos Hotel

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31 Mar 12:00
your hotel

Olympos Hotel

Olympos Hotel,Hisaronu,Dalaman
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Hotel Features

Air Conditioning

Olympos hotel is ready for you in this season.
Intertwined with nature and history, we look forward to a great special for you to put on an unforgettable holiday.
Write stifling hot springs and complete the exquisite pine and modern 60-bed with everything you will inhale the air a very special boutique hotel.
A perfect breakfast to start your day nicely , you just dinner with friends where you will find our restaurant Turkish cuisine in a special dining atmosphere serving you we aim to offer a relaxing holiday.RoomsAll of our rooms are en suite .
There are all kinds of accessories to be included in the bathroom.
It is a distinct pleasure to watch the sunset from the panoramic view of the balcony.
In our hotel every hour of the day there are hot and cold water.
European standards Everything is designed to have a good night's sleep in orthopedic bed.The cleanliness of our rooms always attaches great importance to our hotel ; He has received several awards in this regard.
We are working to do a peaceful and happy holiday for the first 24 hours of Olympos Hotel as a family .FeaturesLCD TVSatelliteWC & BathroomHairdryerBalconyWardrobeSepla the Mirror MakeupNightstand24 Hour Hot WaterFree Wi-FiAir ConditioningMountain LandscapeGarden ViewTownscapeSunset ViewsActivitesWater SportsTable Tennis