A curving pool surrounded by palm trees and views down to the glittering blue sea - live the dream at the Benalmadena Palace Aparthotel.
Only 250m from the beach, you'll find plenty of shops, bars and restaurants in the area, an aquarium, the Tivoli World theme park, a cable car taking you 770 metres up the Calamorro mountain, or head to the marina and watch the fishing boats bob about.Air conditioningRestaurantWireless internet connection in public areasConference facilitiesRoom service - limited menuRoom service - limited hoursComplimentary in-room coffee or teaBuffet breakfastCommunal bar areaFood and beverage outletsLounges/barsBreakfast served in restaurantDinner served in restaurantLiftsAccessible facilitiesPoolside snack barHair dryerHeated guest roomsKitchenettePrivate bath or showerParkingBookshopNightclubWheel chair accessWedding servicesBanquet facilitiesPublic area air conditionedIroning boardBilingual staffMultilingual staffPhone servicesInternet services24-hour front deskConcierge deskHousekeeping - dailyLate check-out availableHousekeeping - weeklyRoom serviceLaundry/Valet serviceSafe deposit boxSecurityDirect dial telephoneEvening receptionFront deskLimousine serviceLimited service housekeepingHigh speed internet access for laptop in public areasFree parkingIndoor parkingOff-Site parkingOn-Site parkingAccessible parkingSecured parkingBrailled liftsCheque cashing policyCoin operated laundryPhotocopy centreRamp accessShoe shine standVending machinesWakeup service220 ACMedical Facilities ServiceParking fee managed by hotelAdditional services/amenities/facilities on propertyToiletInterior corridorsFire safety compliantPrinting services available