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Photos of the Flisvos Beach RTH Hotel

Weather for Rethymnon

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30 Mar 12:00
30 Mar 15:00
30 Mar 18:00
30 Mar 21:00
31 Mar 00:00
31 Mar 03:00
your hotel

Flisvos Beach RTH Hotel

Flisvos Beach RTH Hotel,Rethymnon,Crete
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Hotel Features

Flisvos Beach is a modern hotel, with Greek colors, located in the main beach road of the town of Rethymno and across a long marvelous sandy beach.
A part of the hotel was built in 1991 and was extended in 1998 and in 2000.
The Flisvos Beach Hotel offers you panoramic Aegean sea views and direct beach access.
The hotel is located approximately 1,5 km from the town center and old town.
Travel Between: Jan 07 2015 - Aug 07 2015 Banks in Greece and the Greek Stock Exchange will be closed from today.
It is expected that they will remain closed all week.
As a result, new controls are being implemented which will limit withdrawals to €60 per day for those using Greek debit or credit cards.
There is no such restriction for those using foreign credit / debit cards.