your family holiday is protected

your family holiday is protected

Photos of the Alkion

Weather for Kato Stalos

light rain
30 Mar 12:00
30 Mar 15:00
30 Mar 18:00
30 Mar 21:00
31 Mar 00:00
31 Mar 03:00
your hotel


Alkion,Kato Stalos,Crete
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Hotel Features

Apartment hotel was constructed in 1997.
The property consists of 15 rooms.
The Apartment hotel consists of 9 spacious apartments and 6 comfortable studio.
This apartment hotel is ideal for families and groups as well as couples and business travellers.
The main train and bus stations are just a short drive away.
The beach is 2.5 km far away and also the bus station the most beatifull thing are the amazing view from the port of georgioupoli and the white mountains.Alkion are 25 kilometers from rethimno 45 kilometrs from chania 5 km from the biggest lake of creta also you need 2 hours driving to go on balos beach or elafonisos beach the most famous in europe and about 20 minutes from the falling waters of argyroupoli.Travel Between: Jan 07 2015 - Aug 07 2015 Banks in Greece and the Greek Stock Exchange will be closed from today.
It is expected that they will remain closed all week.
As a result, new controls are being implemented which will limit withdrawals to €60 per day for those using Greek debit or credit cards.
There is no such restriction for those using foreign credit / debit cards.